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Voushma, o nida português

1 :Sem Nome san@⠨⠨⠁⠁ ⠨⠨⠎⠁⠇⠕⠝:2025/01/31(金) 16:18:50.83 ID:h73b2Nds
  ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 <丶`谷´> <  Vou shmagar tua rata!
 (   V )   \__________
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2 :Sem Nome san@⠨⠨⠁⠁ ⠨⠨⠎⠁⠇⠕⠝:2025/01/31(金) 16:28:50.83 ID:qzwZsy6c
 (    )  
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3 :Sem Nome san@⠨⠨⠁⠁ ⠨⠨⠎⠁⠇⠕⠝:2025/01/31(金) 17:15:04.23 ID:bjZr+535
 <丶`谷´> <  raios! roda roda e vira solta e roda e vem
 (    )  
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4 :aboーn:aboーn

5 :aboーn:aboーn

6 :aboーn:aboーn

7 :feinandi:2025/03/10(月) 12:09:13.41 ID:VO5KyeYK
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